
 Business TrackIf you believe that people come to us to learn just because dancing is fun, you are missing the boat. We’ll cover the soul baring reasons and motivations that 90 % of studios never understand. Jerry Seinfeld said something about comedians that applies to the dance industry. We are in the business of selling HOT AIR. Everything we cover will have a reason and a method to achieve critical lessons,  At the end of the day the target goals will be :Increase your bottom line, cut your need for expensive advertising, increase your student body and increase customer retention.Prior to…

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Global PDIA  West Coast Swing Certification Course Welcome to the Global Professional Dance Instructors Association (GPDIA) Our goal is to train and certify dance instructors all over the globe using time tested methods by top reputable instructors in all styles of partner dancing but primarily West Coast Swing.   Why should you be a certified instructor?  Great question…..But the best question to ask your self is “What qualifies me to teach”  There are self proclaimed instructors all over the world that are charging unwarranted rates for lessons that they should be paying to the student instead…..Just because a dancer has…

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